Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No longer a baby...

I knew the time would come. The day that bottles no longer needed to be warmed up and fed. The end of schedules and bottom rubbing. I knew the time was close when he started using the litter box and eating dry kibble.

But it doesn't make it easier.

I think weaning from the bottle was hardest on me, to be honest. Now, don't get me wrong, Jasper still thinks he should have one every night before bed, and as tempted as I am, I must resist. So last week, on a Thursday, he suckled for the last time.

He is growing up so fast, and this little room barely holds him and his high strung energy anymore. He gets to meet the doctor this week, and hopefully all will check out and he can introduce himself to Belle soon. That will be so exciting, I am sure she is just thrilled. So thrilled, that I am willing to bet he has about 10 seconds before she bats him across the room. We shall soon see. She is old, and I doubt she will be patient. Regardless I am sure that he will love having full reign of the house to run in, and believe you me.... I am ready for a full nights sleep!!!

One thing I have noticed the most about Jasper in the last week or so is his eyes. He is so expressive. When he is in monster mode, he will arch his back and bow up to you, looking up through his eyes and you better watch out. He loves his squirrel. He chooses it above all other toys. He will carry it around like a security blanket, or run around in circles with it in his mouth. When he finally crashes, Mr Squirrel is usually right there next to him as he sunbathes! What a personality. It took me a week to get these shots. He knows what a camera is now, and when he sees it out, all he wants is to attack it.

He is still my baby boy though, he cuddles so sweetly and purrs like a race car. Yeah, he has his moments.... when the monster is tired, he is a lamb, always sweetest when he's asleep ;) Why do they have to grow up so fast. I wish they stayed so cute forever!!!

Halloween 08

For the first time in 20 some odd years, I celebrated Halloween. Well, I take that back. I didn't celebrate. Come to think of it, I didn't really participate either. But when you have a 7 year old, sometimes it is necessary to bite your tongue and deal. SO we did.

This was our first Halloween with Hunter in several years so we wanted to make it special. We ended up trick-or-treating in DeFuniak around the downtown area and lake yard. I think all of the kids in the north half of the county were there. We walked all the way around Historic Circle Lake, stopping everywhere that was giving handouts. The weather was beautiful, and it made for a nice evening.

All in all, Hunter got lots of candy and had a great time.