Friday, October 10, 2008


Do you know what one of the most beautiful sounds in the world is? The purr of a content kitten. Yes, the little monster is worming its way into the deepest depths of my heart (like you had any doubt of that!). It has been 2 days since Drew brought this bundle of cute home, and he has changed so much! (the kitten, not Drew)

Yesterday, he started purring. Kind of off and on at first as he tried to figure it out, but by golly he has it down pat now. And it is such a sweet sound. He is eating much better now (took a while to learn the bottle), and responds to my voice. He curls up on my chest and falls asleep by my heart. He has an evil side too. He will stare at me when I talk to him, and then run up to my face, grab it in both paws and latch his teeth on to my lip. Cute the first time, now... not so much. Kind of like a mini vampire... (yes, I am still obsessed), without the blood. In the book Twilight, the author, Stephanie Meyer, writes about one of the Cullen vampires that has a bit of a problem. You see, the Cullens' are 'vegetarians' as in they don't feed on humans. But this character fights a daily battle with the urge toward remaining on the preferred diet. His name is Jasper.

Although it may take days, even weeks for him to 'earn' his name, right now Jasper kind of fits. He attacks his bottle like a mad man on crack (yes, crack is whack). He is learning to play and looks like he will have an awesome personality. SO inquisitive, always watching what is going on, and so, so lovable. It is amazing to me how tame this wild kitten is. Luckily, he is so young, otherwise this would be a nightmare! Another week, and we would have been in trouble. Belle still isn't very happy with being kicked out of the bedroom, but it is necessary to keep them away from each other until I know the monster is disease free. Dutch is playing guard dog... protecting the little one at all costs (truth is, he likes the kitten formula).

Day by day, I will watch this little guy grow. Uh oh... he's up again... time for a snack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jasper... I will be looking forward to following you online... make sure that your new mom takes a bunch of photos of you. Can't wait to meet you someday in real life...
Hugs from antie Haidi in Denmark