Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hubby brought home a bit of trouble today...

Yep. I was sitting at the house, enjoying the storm and I get a phone call.

Me: Hello?
Him: Hey Baaaby...
Me: What's up?
Him: I found something that you might like to raise as your own.

Uh - oh... he has been threatening to bring home a baby deer for weeks. I have no where to put it, and hunting season starts next week. Just great!

Me: Ummm, what did you go and do?
Him: Well, it's all alone in the rain, and the dogs were gonna eat it. I wouldn't even tell you if this wasn't it's last hope.

My mind is racing right about now... what is he talking about? Why is the guilt getting laid on so thick?

Me: Just tell me.
Him: It's a baby kitten.


Me: How big is it?
Him: The size of the palm of my hand. It's eyes are open so it wasn't just born, but it's little.
Me: Where's its mom?
Him: I don't know, but it was out here on the ground and it will get eaten if I don't do something. You want me to just leave it here?


Me: But the mom might come back.
Him: I don't think it will... there is nothing for a cat to eat. It has to hunt if it doesn't want to starve.

(well, duh! That's what barn cats do...)

Me: What about Belle? I can't let her anywhere near it until I can make sure it doesn't have any diseases. Is the mom wild?
Him: Probably... I don't know.
Me: Is it old enough to eat on its own, or does it need bottle feeding?
Him: I don't know... it has little nubs where its teeth are coming in. I'll be home in a few minutes. It's storming out here.

::end call::

So Drew, brings this baby home to me. When Tazzy died, I told myself that I wouldn't get another cat until Belle went to the rainbow bridge. I wanted to spoil her and let her live the rest of her life in peace.

He walks in the door, and in his hand was a tiny ball of fur with 2 giant baby blue eyes. My heart melted. So I dug out the baby bottles and heating pad and went to the feed store for kitten formula. You can't resist this kind of cuteness.

I am guessing he is about 3 weeks old. I will isolate him from Belle, and in a few weeks will take him to the vet for some blood work. Say a little prayer that it all turns out alright. Didn't expect this to happen, but I am kind of glad it did... ;)

He even looks a little like Tazzy as a baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! It is SO cute. I will cross my fingers that the kitten is allright so that you can keep it. Keep me posted! Love and hugs, Haidi