Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I love the rain. It sings to me like a lullaby, and gives me warm fuzzies inside. It makes me happy and relaxed and thankful. So when I noticed on the weather channel that we were going to get rain this week, my heart lept!!!!

It started slow, but that is a good thing. Remember my plowed up driveway? Well, it is a sand box now. 1/2 mile of dusty, sandy, better watch it or you will get stuck hell. I can't begin to tell you how tired of hosing the back of my truck down, just so I can see through the window. Slowly, but surely, that much needed water is soaking into that mess, calming that angry dust bowl. The air smells crisper. The grass in my pasture is getting happier. My horses are cooler.

It is supposed to storm tonight. An 80% chance as a matter of fact. I have my bedroom window cracked so I can listen to it. If I am really lucky, there will be thunder and lightning. If I am unlucky, the creek will be a mudhole again. It's a toss up, really. A no win situation. But I will side with the rain. Bring it on, let it come. I won't be sad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie - did the rain come? And did the thunder come with as well? Yet another thing that we have in common - I love to listen to the rain drumming down on the roof... and to listen to the thunder and look at the lightning. Hugs Haidi