Monday, October 6, 2008

An update, huh???

I would if I could. Not a whole bunch has been going on. Drew has been working long days bailing hay, coming home, eating, bathing and crashing. Hunter was over here last weekend. She is totally Ms Sassafrass these days, making me absolutely dread her adolescent years. The unpacking is done, and I have been spending lots of time with the horses. I have also spent a lot of time reading... Can I just say 2 words???

Edward Cullen...

Never in my life have I loved a vampire more!

I have always enjoyed reading books. For as long as I can remember, I have been a big reader. So after hearing about the 'Twilight' craze for a few months, I did some research. It looked interesting. A girl falls in love with a vampire and the vampire doesn't kill her. No big deal. Nothing that surprises me. Until I opened up the first book in the Twilight series and began reading.

All I can say is wow! My imagination running wild as I envision myself as the lucky Bella Swan. Cold, strong kisses from my soul mate Edward. Four books, in succession, one right after the other. It was like taking crack, my heart thumping harder and harder with each page turned. Wondering what would happen, how would it end.

It ended all right. All pages read, soaked into my now vampire crazed mind, never to be the same again. I now catch myself wondering if Drew can become immortal. But you know what? 2 months. In 2 months, Edward comes back to me... on the big screen. I will be there, waiting for my next hit...

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