Friday, October 10, 2008

Trust him, he says...

Remember how mad I was when Drew plowed up my driveway?? But he told me to trust him, right? Well it was soft and scary when it was first done, and then it just turned into a dust pit as we went longer and longer without rain. I remember being tired of hosing the back of the truck down, begging for the rain to come.

Well, it came. About an inch. Not much, but enough to do the damage! Now don't get me wrong, I do love the rain, I am so not complaining about that. BUT... when I am lying in bed at 6:30 in the morning still half asleep, the last thing in the world that I want is a phone call from my husband saying, come pull me out, I am stuck. Yep... trust. He told me the rain would pack it down, make it smoother. He told me that it wouldn't get muddy, especially since he went to the extra trouble of sloping it so nicely for the water to drain. Yet, here we are.

Now there are mud holes and ruts in my driveway. When it dries, it will be even rougher than it originally was. Back to the drawing board. As it stands, you need 4 wheel drive to get in or out of the property. Which would be okay, if we had two 4 wheel drive trucks. Nope, we have one, and Drew has to go to work. So for 3 days I have been stuck here, with no way out... yearning for McDonald's french fries. (I am only kind of kidding about the fries) I guess this weekend, Drew will be back on the tractor, correcting the mess. I didn't get on him too bad! I just looked at him, shook my head and said, 'Fix it.' I think his feelings were hurt enough that it didn't work as planned, so it was best that I didn't completely deflate his ego ;).

Speaking of mud holes. The original mud hole actually fared well. As in it didn't turn into a giant mess! So at least it wasn't a total loss. The grass is happier, and the dust has settled. And best of all, I got 36 hours worth of relaxing rain. Nice! Looks like it will be a busy weekend.

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